A path to Indigenous Inclusion
Our Diversity & Inclusion Program is a collection of strategies and tools designed to help an organization reach its Indigenous Inclusion goals. Our unique approach builds a foundation of trust and awareness to support long term relationships and tactical active engagement solutions to provide immediate impact.
Establish Community Presence to Build CredibilityThe Community Connections Foundations Subscription is a brand-building program designed to help organizations tell their inclusion story. Building a community presence, demonstrating commitment, and establishing a connection between the individual and the organization’s corporate brand is the foundation of Indigenous Inclusion.
• Demonstrate commitment
• Increase Indigenous representation
• Establish and/or enhance community presence
• Improve engagement rates
• Expand corporate brand awareness
• Tell your story
Virtual Career Fair Page
To help job seekers understand your corporate commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace, a dedicated webpage is provided on our career fair site. This page helps to tell your story, enhance your brand and increase awareness.
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Career Feed
Using your ATS career feed, your career opportunities are presented in our job board and displayed on your Virtual Career Fair page. By displaying relevant content here, this tool helps build brand awareness and engage potential job-seekers. For organizations without an ATS, our ‘Web Scraping’ tool can be customized to harvest jobs from most company hosted careers webpages. This solution will be quoted as an upgrade.
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Corporate Banner
Your Corporate Logo is displayed as a banner in rotation throughout our careers site. Enhancing your brand while offering top-of-mind visibility, your banner encourages job-seekers to visit your Virtual Career Fair page. Companies wishing to promote their commitment to Indigenous Inclusion can use IndigenousLink’s logo on their website as part of the Foundations program.
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Direct Communication
One of the most effective ways to build a community presence is to deliver your ‘strategic’ message directly into the ‘Traditional’ and ‘Cultural’ Indigenous communities. We reach leaders, decision-makers, and community members using our proprietary database. More than 28,000 urban, rural, and remote centres of influence are reached where 1.7 million Indigenous Peoples work, live, learn, and play.
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*Subscriptions can be cancelled after the first 12 months with 30 days notice.
Social Media
The Foundations subscription utilizes Social Media to engage more than 50,000 Indigenous individuals. Our platforms include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and E-Mail to deliver messages that these communities have come to rely on.
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Creative, Professional and IT Services (10 hours annually)
Creative design, production and maintenance of materials across all media channels is included with our services as well as setup and configuration of your ATS Career Feed.
Learning Centre
The Foundations subscription includes access to our online library of resources available to employees using a self-registration process. The Learning Centre provides an overview of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Content samples and categories include Indigenous History, Insights and Perspectives, ‘Calls to Action’ for Truth and Reconciliation, Recruitment and Retention, Cultures and other relevant information.
Account Portal
Secure, online access the Account Portal empowers you to view results of your campaign. Automatic daily and on-demand data refresh delivers ‘near-time’ results. View up to the minute distribution schedules, collateral, unique visitor results, career feed processing, learning centre activity, invoices and reports (where applicable) in an intuitive interface.
Active Engagement
Next - Motivate Individuals to Cross the Bridge Built on 'Foundations'For Community Connection Partners that are actively recruiting, we have developed various engagement tools that can be added to your Subscription to help attract Indigenous talent to your organization and ‘fill-positions’. These tactical tools are designed with a strong call to action to motivate individuals to respond.
Subscription Benefits
As a Community Connections Foundations subscriber, our Tactical Engagement Tools are available at ‘preferred’ rates.
• Promote Opportunities
• Drive Conversation
• Fill Positions
• Build Engagement
• Motivate Action
• Walk the Walk
Community Outreach
A proprietary combination of Direct Communication, Social Media and a posting to our Network of Websites. This engagement tool is designed to create awareness and encourage leaders, decision-makers, and community members to take action while reaching the widest audience possible. Our Community outreach is available in bor Regional* and National Distributions
*Geographic Regions:
Northern – YT, NT, NU
Pacific – BC
Prairie – MB, SK, AB
Central – ON, QC
Atlantic – NB, NS, PE, NL
Career Postings (Featured)
A manual job posting ‘featured’ in a premium section of our site and published to more than 50,000 e-Subscribers and Social Media followers. Postings can be purchased as a one time post and are also available in a variety posting packages, providing significant savings
Banner Ads
Promote specific jobs, programs, and/or initiatives on our website and encourage site visitors to take action. Our run of site ads are placed throughout our network of sites based on audience and subject matter
Performance Optimization
Options to Maximize Engagement and Return on InvestmentIndigenous Inclusion is a Journey, Not an Event
Professional Services
Since 1999 we have been helping our partners reach their inclusion goals. Our experts can guide you through the entire process from determining where you are on the inclusion continuum, analyzing goals, develop strategies, engagement, collateral design, campaign frequency, metrics, tracking, and reporting.
Creative Services
Our creative team can provide design services to help ensure all of your Indigenous creative requirements are culturally sensitive and appropriate for outreach. This includes editing, writing, designing, production, and access to our Indigenous library of images and photography.
Inclusion Training
As part of building a solid Inclusion plan, our Indigenous Inclusion training programs are designed to help your Human Resources, Communications, Mid-Level, and Senior Management teams with recruitment and retention of Indigenous talent and to increase your overall return on investment. Our workshops provide a fundamental understanding of indigenous history and culture and will clarify the need to take a different approach to recruit and retain Indigenous employees. Training sessions are available in either English or French.
responseTRAC™ tracking and reporting system is at the forefront of all our active engagement. It provides insight into your program performance and allows us to make real-time, mid-stream course corrections anytime throughout the campaign, thereby enhancing ROI. This tool provides quarterly, and annual reports and configured to support a wide range of metrics.
• Quarterly reporting
• Annual year-end report
• Call-to-action tracking using dedicated toll-free phone, toll-free fax, email, and Vanity URL
• Data analysis, analytics, and recommendations to provide mid-stream course corrections
• Reporting is archived in your account portal for easy access
• Custom Reporting – Request a quote
Insights and Perspectives
Surveys, Focus Groups, and Pilots – this highly customizable tool can be configured to support an all-inclusive or promotion-only solution for organizations and government departments with a requirement to sample opinions from Indigenous individuals.